My parents were immensely helpful for the first three weeks when Luke came home. We were bummed when they had to go home to Oregon but we're looking forward to seeing them again at Thanksgiving. Since we've been on our own, we've done pretty well though. We have been so incredibly blessed to have friends and neighbors deliver meals to us for almost 6 weeks – I cannot describe how much easier the evenings have been because of it. We are so grateful for such amazing friends from church and for our friendly neighbors. It's one of the reasons we love living here so much.
There have definitely been some rough moments too – I had a tough bout with postpartum depression – mostly in part due to a medication error, though I think I would have struggled a little with it anyway since I was so sleep-deprived. I don't do well with ongoing sleep deprivation, which also brings with it debilitating bone pain (residual from chemo). I'm doing much better now and feel like I can cope better with all the demands of each day. It's nice to feel like myself again and not immediately reach for the bottle of Advil in the morning because I ache all over. I'm anxious to get back to my BodyPump class. I haven't been able to go yet because Luke's pediatrician doesn't want him to be in the Y nursery due to the severity of the flu. I am walking on the nice days and looking forward to going back soon. I am really proud of the fact that I'm 35 lbs under what I was when I started my pregnancy and I really want to keep it off and get toned up again. I had been able to do BodyPump until I was seven and a half months pregnant, but then had to stop because I was having so many contractions. So it's been 4 months since I've been to the class.
Luke is a great baby – very laid back and easy, which is a huge blessing. He has started to smile at us and he loves nothing more than to be held, swaddled, cuddled, etc. He adores it when the girls talk to him and Anna Claire is such a huge help, holding him and feeding him the occasional bottle if I'm not nursing. Some of my favorite times are holding and nursing Luke while Anna Claire reads to me, or while I read to Leah. Luke is finally sleeping for approximately 3 hours at a time during the night, so I'm getting some great sleep and waking up feeling rested. He doesn't sleep as much during the day but I'm starting to see the beginning of a routine with him, and that will only get better with time.

The girls are doing AWANA and kids' choir on Sunday nights, which has given Gary and I the opportunity to have a “date night” once a week (with Luke of course, but he's pretty quiet). It's been so wonderful to have some uninterrupted time to talk and connect with Gary...since that time is extremely limited when we're at home with all 3 kids.
I am doing some freelance work now and really loving it. It's a great opportunity for me to use my brain and earn a little money. And strangely enough, I'm getting better at juggling everything because I have to – so I'm even more organized when I work part-time. I'm finding now that I have to be super-organized in order to keep everything running smoothly. If I let up even for a day, the train begins to run off the tracks.
I'm hoping to get some good family pictures once the weather cools off a bit and we can go outside. There's a fountain near us that is really pretty, so we'll venture over there soon and do a photo shoot. More pictures coming later this week of the kids!