Monday, February 25, 2008

Getting To Know You...

Birth month: April

Height: 5'6”

Eye color: Grey-blue

Hair color: Strawberry blonde with a lot of gray that I cover up

What does your name mean: “Youthful spirit”

High school graduated from: Lake Braddock

Summer memory: We took this awesome trip to NE and Canada when I was going into 10th grade and my brother was going into 5th grade. It was so fun – I think my brother and I fought most of the time but the sights were cool and we both remember it as our favorite vacation ever – my mom, on the other hand, remembers it as the “vacation from hell.” Not sure why…

Favorite TV shows: The Closer, CSI Miami, Friends

What's on your mouse pad: It's sapphire blue – very plain

In the car- AC or windows: Definitely AC...I hate being hot (I know, we’re crazy to be moving to TX)

Favorite game: Rummikub – used to play it all the time with my grandmother – some of my best memories at her house are her and I sitting at her kitchen table, drinking Diet Coke and playing Rummikub

Favorite drink: Diet Coke, hands down – with lots of ice and a bend-y straw

Favorite food: Fajitas, chocolate, ice cream from Chik-fil-A

Favorite colors: Turquoise, hot pink, orange and black

Favorite sounds: My girls laughing, my husband coming through the door

Favorite smell: Fresh strawberries and blueberry muffins

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Anything that doesn’t include laundry

Favorite soundtrack: Footloose

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Married with maybe one more baby

First thought in the morning: Am I going to have to change the sheets on one of the girls’ beds

How many rings before you answer the phone: Depends if Leah has hidden the phone in her toybox or under a couch cushion. I call the house from my cell phone (and vice-versa) all the time so I can find the other phone.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Vanilla with chocolate frosting and sprinkles

What do you drive: 2003 Toyota Camry. Hoping to get a minivan soon

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Very cool

What is your zodiac sign: Aries the bull (no comments from the peanut gallery, please)

What do you wear to bed: Sleep pants and a top, unless I’m going to work out in the morning – then I sleep in my workout clothes (running bra and all) so that I’m all prepared – I’m much more likely to actually work out if I’m already dressed for it

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Blech – they’re stringy

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: I’ve always wondered what I would look like as a true blonde

Favorite brand of gum: Orbit peppermint

What is your favorite quote: Other than some favorite Bible verses, “Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.” - Oprah Winfrey

Have you ever been in love: Absolutely, and I still am

What's on your walls in your room: Pictures of my kids, my dried bridal bouquet, other dried flowers, a clock, and an impressionist painting
Is the glass half-empty or half-full: Half full and lots of ice :)

Which do you prefer - Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos: Neither – I like plain corn chips

Which kind of milk is your favorite: 1%

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Mostly a righty, but I eat with my left hand and do a lot of other things equally well with my left hand. When I was a figure skater, I jumped and spun in the direction of a lefty

Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Yep – I can hold a conversation with someone and look at them at the same time I’m typing an email to someone else about a completely different subject. It freaks my coworkers out

What's under your bed: Maternity clothes, clothes that used to fit me when I got married, a couple of magazines, some of Anna Claire’s ponytail holders, a binky, some of my china, and a bunch of keepsake stuff

What's the best number in the world: 19 – my birthday

What is your dream car: Anything that has room for a 3rd car seat :)

Nickname: J, JJ, Jillian

Bacon Bits Or croutons: Neither - sunflower seeds

Favorite Salad Dressing: French
What type of Shampoo/Conditioner: I have some natural organic stuff I bought at Wegmans – I like it because it smells fresh. There’s a lot of shampoo I can’t use anymore because smells really get to me ever since I had chemo. We went through about 14 brands of soap when I was doing chemo – EVERYTHING made me sick
One pillow or two: 3 regular, plus one body pillow

Currently in your CD player: The soundtrack from Hairspray

Hobbies: gardening, shopping, playing with my kids, blogging, selling stuff on eBay, reading

Do you get along with your parents: Yep – they’re awesome and I’m blessed to have a great relationship with them

Pet peeves: Poor customer service, cloudy/rainy days, warm drinks, junk mail, the month of March (it seems as if spring will NEVER arrive), products that don’t live up to my expectations, people who are mean to my husband

Other favorite things: Remission, Easter decorations, summer glassware with patterns, open-toed shoes, capri pants, the sun on my face, hugs from my children and husband, a nap on the couch with the window open, BBQs, picking berries, climbing into bed with a good book or a People magazine, a trip to the grocery store by myself

Most humiliating moment: When I was in my 20’s, I interviewed internally for a promotion, and during the interview, I fell out of my chair onto the floor – feet up, skirt down, with the lady peering over her desk at me, saying “Honey – are you OK?” I didn’t get the job.

Favorite holiday: Easter

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