I love it when God shows up in a big way. He’s really outdone himself this time. A friend of mine lost her husband last June after a very short battle with liver cancer. She was 9 months pregnant with their 5th child. Friends, family and the local community realized that Shelbie would need a lot of support, especially since she’s not able to work right now because all of her children are under age 7. In December, my friend Karen decided to launch a website that people could link to on their blogs, email, facebook sites, myspace pages, etc, that would enable people to send $5 ($1 for each child) in a Christmas card. She did that, and our local CBS news affiliate picked up on the story and featured it on a couple of their newscasts. The money began to pour in. It was so neat to hear the amazing stories of people giving sacrificially to Shelbie and her children, and thousands of cards and letters arrived – some containing precious stories and memories of David’s life.
Yesterday, they featured Shelbie’s story again on the news. Do you know that this little fundraising effort, blessed richly by God, was successful in raising over $148,000?
Here's the story on our local CBS channel. http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=68130&provider=top
And if you want to know more about Shelbie and her family, here's their story. It’s an amazing one!!! http://www.davidchoproject.com/
(and if someone out there in blogland can show me how to insert a hyperlink that WORKS, let me know)
1 comment:
hyperlinks are easy:
use this as a model if you were linking to, say, my blog:
[a href="http://perkyovary.blogspot.com"]Karen's Blog[/a]
But replace the []'s with <>'s
any text in between the <>'s will be the hyperlinked text. You can find some good tutorials on html at w3schools.com
Glad you got the blog up and running. Sorry I was no help, but glad Jessica was! :)
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