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Anna Claire -
I cannot believe you are six years old today. I know many mothers say this, but the time just flew by. You were not terribly anxious to make your arrival - we waited and waited for you to come. When you arrived, I was overwhelmed, overjoyed and in awe of how perfect you were. It was one of the most amazing moments of my life.
It has been such a great joy to watch you grow. We figured a lot of things out together, you and I. I
love that you stopped crying immediately whenever I would take you outside and wheel you around in the stroller under the trees. I love that you used to say "I want hold you" whenever you wanted me to pick you up. I love that you peered inquisitively at me in the front seat the morning after my hair fell out and we were on the way to the salon to pick up my wig. I love that you instinctively knew to play quietly by the couch when I was going through chemo and couldn't get up. I love that you would sometimes steal my wig when I wasn't wearing it and
you'd wear it around the house, laughing hysterically because you had done something you thought was so funny. I love that you used to yell "E-I-E-I-O" whenever we sang "Old McDonald" in the car. I love that you thought that wearing a pair of my black stockings, my white high-heeled sandals and nothing else was a fashion statement. I love that we play I-Spy while cuddling in bed in the morning. I love that you still say "aminals" instead of "animals." I love that you think only in
shades of hot pink, deep purple and lots of sparkles. I love that you were completely convinced that I was giving birth to your baby sister in a stable with animals, just like Mary did. I love that you showcase your hospitality skills by making
breakfast for Daddy and me on Saturday mornings. I love that you immediately pray out loud whenever we see a car accident. I love that you sing with your eyes closed, totally lost in the moment. I love how you pray at bedtime, openly pouring your heart out to Jesus. I love that you pray for our friends who have cancer, and then give God the glory for them being healed. I love that you worry about someone at
school feeling left out, and that you strategically plan how to prevent it from happening.
You are an amazing little girl, Anna Claire. I am so proud of you and so honored to be your momma. Don't ever stop loving Jesus like you do, and always remember that your gifts and talents are on loan from God, to be used for His glory and purposes. Happy Birthday, sweetheart. I love you.
So I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. Since I last posted, we’ve bought two cars, sold two cars, applied for a mortgage, had company come into town, I’ve done approximately 20 loads of laundry and I’ve somehow also maintained a full-time job. So forgive me for not posting in so long – I’ve been busy!
I realized yesterday I am living the dream…I am a wife, mother of two and I now own a minivan. It's gorgeous. A 2008 Honda Odyssey in "Slate
Green Metallic." I HAVE ARRIVED. I know for some of you, this scenario makes you want to break out in hives (Debbie), but if I’m being honest, it’s the life I’ve always wanted. I knew early on I was born to be a wife and mother. I love my life and I realized the other day that I’m proud of all those things. When I was in high school and college, I was always the girl that no one really wanted to date but the one someone wanted to marry someday. Well, I snagged myself an amazing husband and I am LIVING THE DREAM.
Anyway, I am just very content right now. I’m extremely busy as we’re preparing for our big move to Texas – we spend a lot of time looking at houses online, getting quotes for various projects, and wrapping up school for AC and Gary, but I’m in a happy place. My brother and sweet sister-in-law are visiting right now, and we’re heading out for a weekend of fun in Pennsylvania. I’m going to a concert with a treasured friend tonight. Next week is Mom’s birthday and Anna Claire’s birthday. The following week, my parents arrive. The fun is just beginning!!!
So, just wanted to let everyone know that I’m still living and breathing. I’ll post more frequently, I promise. We’ll post some great pics soon of our weekend in PA with Craig and Sho.