Friday, July 11, 2008

Greetings from Tennessee!

We made it to Bristol, TN! The trip today was pretty easy - though we are definitely tired. There were a couple of funny things that happened today...

As I was exiting Fairfax County Parkway and getting onto 66 W, Anna Claire said, "Momma, where are we going?"

I said, "Remember? We're going to Texas?"

She replied, "Oh. Will we be shopping along the way?"

Also, we stopped for lunch in Harrisonburg. We went to Chick Fil-A - a favorite of ours. I completely forgot it was Cow Appreciation Day - apparently if you dress like a cow, you get a free chicken sandwich. Wish I'd brought our cow costumes! You wouldn't have believed how many people were dressed like cows. It was so funny! My mother had never been to Chick Fil-A before, so for this to be her first impression of it was especially amusing.

We also got some great news today as we were leaving VA - Gary received a phone call informing him that he's been hired at the school of his choice - he got a job!!! We are so thankful to God for providing once again...a fitting last day for us in Virginia.

Please pray for us tomorrow - it's our longest day of driving and I feel like I'm coming down with Hand, Foot & Mouth again (I had a VERY bad case of it about 4 weeks ago and was really sick with large blisters in my throat). I'm taking lots of Vitamin C tonight...

I'll blog again tomorrow night from Mississippi! :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Gary!! There was never a doubt in my mind ...

Thoughts and prayers are with you today!

Bunches 'o hugs and kisses,

Jessica Middleton said...

YAYYYYY Gary! What a blessing and answered prayer.
Much love,
The Middleton's

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all! And praise the Lord for Gary's job!!! :)

Miss and love you all,


p.s. I would have included my name at the top but for some reason it won't let me use my google account name! :(