I remember that morning well. We woke up, having barely slept the night before at all because Leah spent a good deal of time opening and shutting the sliding glass door in our hotel room (including at 3 am). And we were sore from packing and loading. I was dreading the potential drive – because we had too much stuff for just one moving truck, we had to rent another one at the last minute, which left both Mom and me to drive the cars. Neither of us was really planning on that, and I'd never driven more than a few hours without falling asleep. I was trying to figure out how I would stay awake.
We went to the final walk-through of our townhouse, and Gary said, “I can't believe we're moving to Texas and I don't have a job yet.” I told him we had to trust that God would provide – after all, we felt so clearly led all along the way that this was where the Lord was leading us. No sooner than we finished the walk-through, Gary's cell phone rang – it was the high school here offering him a teaching job! He had a job offer literally 5 minutes before we got in the truck to move. I knew that God had not brought us this far to leave us, but the reminder of His faithfulness was such a comfort.
We got in the trucks/cars and began driving. Gary and Dad went on ahead, and we stopped for lunch at Chik Fil A – where it was “Cow Appreciation Day” - if you dressed up like a cow, you got a free meal. It was a pretty funny way to introduce Mom to Chik Fil A (they don't have them where my parents live). Add to that the fact that we were in a college town and the costumes were extremely entertaining!
The three day drive was so smooth – I especially enjoyed the drive through Virginia and Tennessee – such beautiful mountains! As we got into Alabama, I found myself getting more excited about our new adventure.
We arrived in Texas on July 14th – it was so fun to show Mom, Dad and the girls our new home! We spent the next few days unloading and unpacking. I'm not sure Mom and Dad really knew what they were signing up for when they offered to help us move across country, but we could not have done it without them. They were truly angels.
I've learned a lot over the past year. I've learned that while you can't ever replace dear, lifelong friends, there's still room for new ones. I've learned that I can keep a brave face for my children through a major hurricane even though I'm quietly freaking out inside. I've learned that it's not the big deal I thought it was to take a year to find the right person to cut your hair, to deliver your babies, and to be your primary care physician. I've learned that people here really do want to be friends – that their friendliness isn't fake but very genuine. God has shown me a new level of what it means to rely on Him for my identity now that I'm not working anymore. I've realized that a slower pace of life is what I've craved for years and it's wonderful to have that craving fulfilled. I've figured out that God really did hear my prayers for a friendly neighborhood,“back door friends” and lots of playmates for my children. I've discovered a new level of love, respect and affection for my husband. And I've learned that despite my initial impressions, I really love living here in Texas. I expected to “not mind it” but never expected to love it. But love it I do, and I really don't want to leave. Even though it's sometimes over 110 degrees with the heat index. Even though the cockroaches qualify as small animals that I think you might be able to rope and ride at the rodeo. Even though there are multiple lizards in my garage and one once made it into my refrigerator. Even though it doesn't often snow here. Even though my dear friends from Virginia aren't here and I still miss them terribly. Even though there's no Wegmans grocery store here. I still love it. I love my life here in Texas. It's been a great year.
And we're so glad you're here. :-)
The two things that have impressed me the most about a year ago: 1) The way God really came through with a job for me, and 2) The awesome job that Jim and Janet (my in-laws--who by the way do not read this blog so I am not writing it to win points with them) did in helping at both ends of the move....it was so wonderful...this is what it is like to have parents!
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