Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Few Updates

Well, Leah is fully recovered from whatever stomach virus she had. Thank goodness! She is now busy climbing up on top of the dining room table whenever she can, and has now set a new all-time record for how quickly she can undress herself - in less than 2 minutes the other night (after her bath), she had taken off a t-shirt, her jammies, a onesie and her diaper and was standing completely naked in the pack-n-play. During this time, all I did was get Anna Claire out of the tub, put a towel around her, and walked with her into my bedroom. Oy! I know Gary is so proud that his older daughter wants to give people massages when she grows up and Leah loves taking her clothes off. It's what every daddy dreams for his girls - one working in a massage parlor, the other in a strip club. I've recommended that Gary increase his blood pressure medicine. :)

I finally figured out that if I put Leah's diaper on backwards, she couldn't get it off. It worked - all night! Score one for Momma!

Gary is still in a lot of pain from his rib injury - he went to the doctor on Monday before he left town and they were kind enough to give him a stronger painkiller and some antibiotics for his respiratory infection. He seems to be holding up OK now though.

Anna Claire is very excited about Valentine's Day - though she was completely grossed out yesterday when I told her she needed to make valentines for the boys in her class as well as the girls. She looked disgusted and said, "Why? They're BOYS! Ugh." I know those words made her daddy proud - ha! I think he'd prefer that she not date until she's 40.

On Monday, we took Gary to Reagan National airport to fly to Houston for Dorothy's funeral. When we were driving toward home, Anna Claire pointed to the Capitol and said, "Momma, that's where Daddy used to work!" I said, "Good job, honey!" Then she said, "See that tall pointy thing?"

Me: "Do you mean the Washington Monument, honey?"

AC: "Yep, that's where Jesus died on the cross."

Um, not quite.

Then, last night, when I put her to bed, I had been talking to her about not being so bossy to her little sister. I was fairly certain she was basically ignoring me. So, I decided to move on to having her say her prayers. She prayed, "Lord, thank you for today. Please help Aunt Dorothy be nice to everyone in heaven and not boss the other people around."

Out of the mouths of babes!

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