Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rounding the Corner

So, I'm almost done with my first trimester, which is good, because it hasn't been a cake walk. I've had horrible morning (read between the lines - all day) sickness, and have been pretty reliant on the Zofran my midwife gave me. I'm thankful it's worked well. Almost everything makes me gag - the smell of coffee, leftovers in the frig, my toothbrush, laundry detergent, car exhaust, and the dead animal in our backyard that showed up yesterday, which made me throw up in the kitchen sink (fortunately, some other animal dragged it off and it doesn't smell bad anymore in our yard). I also have a complete aversion to any kind of meat and I can't floss my teeth, which is driving me crazy. I'm not as tired as I've been with past pregnancies, but I do notice that I love a brief nap several days a week. :)

I've noticed this week, though, that I'm starting to turn the corner, which is a huge relief. I've made it through entire days without needing my Zofran. Today was a great day - I even was able to do a bunch of laundry (which has spent the last month just sitting in the hallway). I am starting to feel like my "old self" again at times, which is really nice.

I've been craving weird things to ward off the nausea - anything orange flavored - orange sherbet, orange jello, orange juice, orange slushes from Sonic, etc. I also am going through an apple phase. Unfortunately, I'm also going through a Cap'n Crunch phase too but I guess the milk is good for me. Pizza also has been a favorite. And like my pregnancy with Anna Claire, I don't really love the taste of Diet Coke anymore and I can't stand thinking about chocolate - blech! Those of you who know me well know that normally I LOVE chocolate. And now the thought of anything sweet - except for the aforementioned orange flavored items, of course - grosses me out. So weird, those pregnancy hormones.

I've found a good midwife here - she's very nice and reminds me of a good friend of mine, Jenny. My new midwife is definitely not my beloved Margie, who delivered my girls in VA, but she's great and I like her a lot. I go back in a little more than 2 weeks for another sono and checkup.

1 comment:

Toby and Rebecca said...

ummm... so I guess when you left a voice mail saying that we needed to catch up, you were right!! Congratulations Gary and Jill! And to the big sisters to be- yeah!!!! we are bloggers too now-
at least this way we can keep in touch :)