I was up before 6 am that morning, and so excited that I was in the Hechts parking lot by 6:30 am. It was Memorial Day weekend and they were having a huge sale. An hour later, I came out with a great new outfit and a new purse to match (all bought with a coupon – those of you who know me well know that I get a “high” out of coupon sales). Then I grabbed some breakfast, got my car washed, and headed home to get ready.
All that time getting ready turned out to be a bit of a waste. It rained that day, I had a new perm and my hair frizzed beyond what I thought was imaginable. Fortunately, Gary didn't seem to notice.
We met in the church parking lot (we didn't live remotely close to each other so it would have taken him 2 hours to come out and pick me up and drive back into town), got in his car, and headed to the National Gallery of Art in DC. I love that he carried an umbrella and didn't just make us run for the door. I love that he asked directions when we got into the gallery (seriously ladies, how many men do this?). I love that he thanked God for introducing us when he prayed at lunch in the cafe.
We were apparently there to see some sort of exhibit, but I suspect now that it was just a fancy place to walk around, just look at each other and talk. I have vague memories of walking around the gallery. Of looking at the famous art on the walls, not so much.
Eventually, we left, and the date was going so well that I asked Gary if he wanted to join me at a 40th birthday party that night. “You probably won't know anyone there,” I said, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable about saying no. “I'd love to come,” he said. So we headed off to the mall to buy a gift for my friend's son. They had also just adopted a 5 lb baby boy, so I wanted to get a gift for their older son.
When we were in the mall, I had a hard time finding the right gift for a teenage boy. I asked if we could go to one more store. “We can go to ten more stores if you want,” he replied. I almost married him on the spot but thought it might overwhelm him, so I decided to wait.
When we got to the party, he started saying hello to a bunch of people. Apparently he had walked into a home where he knew virtually everyone. It never occurred to me that most of the people at the party would also work on Capitol Hill. The deal was clinched when he willingly held 5-lb Bennett, and sat down on the floor and talked with an elderly woman for awhile. I knew I had a “good egg.” :)
It would be almost a week before he would call me again because he had a bad case of the stomach flu. But we went to dinner the following weekend and after that night, I knew for sure that I was going to marry him. It took him another week or so to figure it out, but we were soon talking about our future.
In some ways, it seems like yesterday that we were dating. And in other ways, we've lived a lifetime in 9 years. Two children, one coming soon, ovarian cancer, blood clots, losing jobs, finding new careers, moving across the country, and so many other things.
Honey, there's no one else I'd want to ride this roller coaster with than you. You have softened me in ways I didn't think possible. Through your example, you have shown me how to be less selfish and given me the opportunity to see what it truly means to lay down your life for another, as you have done for me. While there are many ways I feel like God is changing me to be the wife that you need, it is my greatest joy to be married to you and raise our little family together. I love you!
Sweatheart I love you! I am the luckiest man in the world and anyone who knows you knows I married up. Thank you for 9 wonderful years and many more to come. I love you with everything in me.
thanks for sharing your story-- Gary...I am truly impressed with the "you can go to 10 more" line... God is so good and it must bring him so much joy to see the two of you share and grow in your love for one another. What examples you will be for Anna Claire, Leah and the little man to come (name?) :)
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