Thursday, June 11, 2009

Odds & Ends

Leah asked last week if I could take the baby out of my tummy so she could "pet him." Then she informed me that she has a baby dolphin in her tummy. After that she told me that it was actually a baby tiger and he goes "ROAR!" :)

I took Anna Claire, Leah and one of Anna Claire's friends blueberry picking on Saturday afternoon. It was really hot but I was desperate to get the kids out of the house so that they'd stop fighting. While we were picking berries, Anna Claire said to her friend, "Can you BELIEVE that it's only the second day of summer and my mom has already THREATENED me?" I had told her that it was going to be a long summer if she didn't straighten up and fly right... I thought it was so funny that at 7 years old, she'd said that to a friend.

We've been doing some fun things lately - Anna Claire has some homeschooling summer activities she does every day and we also try to do something fun each day - renting a $1 movie from Blockbuster, going swimming, going to the library, etc. Today was library day - we met some friends there and went to a "zoo mobile" - the Houston zoo brought some animals out for the kids to see and they did a little talk on animals from Texas. Leah quickly lost interest after she figured out she wasn't going to get to pet a hippo. She is totally into hippos lately. So she and Gary played in the kids area while Anna Claire and I listened to the talk.

I've been taking a nap every afternoon and it's really helping. I don't end up going to bed until midnight or later as a result, but it's making a big difference in my mood and my energy level. I like to think my family appreciates the difference in my mood, too. :)

Gary and I are both going to BodyPump class at the Y now - the only down side is that we're drawing straws to decide who has to put the kids to bed because we're both so sore that neither of us wants to walk up the stairs.

OK, I'm off to bed to read one of my new books from the used book store - I love that place! We traded in several bags of books the other day for a $50 credit and got to pick out some fun new things to read.

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