Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Feeling Better

Today was a much better day. I don't often have bad days like I've had recently. I think a lot of it is lack of sleep. I've had a lot of insomnia with this pregnancy, which is weird - aren't you supposed to be tired all the time when you're pregnant?

Went to Bible study at church today - it was exactly what I needed. And a great friend of mine that I've known since 8th grade in VA happened to be in town visiting and we got the opportunity to catch up and go to dinner. It was awesome. And I got a 2 hour nap today in a quiet house while Gary took the kids to the pool. Exactly what the doctor ordered.

None of my long-range problems are really solved - I'm still pregnant, I still vomited when I woke up, I was still awake from 4:00-5:30 am this morning, and I still have children who seem to love being naughty...but I felt like I could cope a little better today. God was faithful to give me the grace and patience I needed. I had a better outlook and a more eternal perspective.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day, too. :)

1 comment:

NotinKSAnymore said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better!