Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Stream of Consciousness

We finally have a name for our baby boy! We're not sharing it until he's born, but Gary and I have finally agreed on a name that we both really like. Trust me, this was no small feat. We had several names on our list but I just wasn't passionate about any of them. And neither was he. But now we have a great name that we both love and now I can't wait to meet him!

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When we were getting ready to move here, I looked on the internet and found some cool wooden letters to hang on the wall that spelled the girls' names. I was so excited to have found painted wooden letters that cost less than $15-25 per letter - not such a big deal with Leah, but a huge expense if you're trying to spell Anna Claire's name! Now I can't find the website again and I wanted to find some cool letters to spell our baby's name as we're getting the nursery ready. I'm hoping I can find the website again...

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Amazingly, Gary was able to get Leah to eat chicken stir fry for dinner tonight. He understands her better than anyone, and even got her to eat a couple of bites of broccoli! I couldn't believe it. She practically breaks out in hives when something green is on her fork.

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I am really enjoying having Gary home this summer. We are having a great time together as a family. It's fun sleeping in, making breakfast together, playing with the kids, going to the pool and the $1 movies, and even running errands. It's especially fun to have this time with the 4 of us because the end of the summer brings a new little person. We're making some great memories together.

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I got the cutest baby bedding at a local consignment shop - it's very "baby boy" which is fun. However, it didn't come with a crib skirt. I was thinking, "No problem - I can easily find a cheap crib skirt." Especially because the linens have a bunch of different colors in them. I was obviously wrong - I found a cute one, but it's $59!!! For a crib skirt? I just can't justify that. Not when I only spent $12 on the rest of the bedding/curtains. I love to decorate, but I don't like to pay full price for anything. So I'm still looking...

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I still haven't found a hair stylist I like. I tried to make an appointment today with someone who had been recommended to me, and she can't take me for a haircut until July 23rd! Seriously? A month from now? Does she know that a hair crisis cannot wait a month? I've been growing out my bangs for almost a year and now that they're grown out (along with the rest of my hair), it just kind of hangs there. Could have something also to do with the 100+ degree heat but's lacking a real style. Must get that fixed.

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We're moving the girls in together to make room for the baby. I'm so excited that I was able to find reasonably-priced matching linens at Target - and they match the paint job in the bedroom! The lady who lived in the house before us had more creativity in her little pinky than I have in my whole body...the room is so cute. So here's what the new linens look's called "Happy Flower" and has blue, lavender, pink, yellow, green, and white. The sheets are adorable too. Anyway, it will give us lots of accessorizing options.

We were going to buy bunk beds for the girls, but knowing Leah's love for climbing and jumping, I just didn't think I could handle a newborn and several trips to the ER for a broken arm because she'd jumped off the top bunk. So, for now, we're going to do 2 twin beds side by side. I can't wait to put their room together!

Can you tell the nesting instinct is strong right now? I'll tell you tomorrow about my new plans for the master bedroom...

1 comment:

texaspeardaddy said...

I hear from reputable sources that his names is going to be Bubba Boudine?? could this be true?? be still my anxious heart!!