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When we were getting ready to move here, I looked on the internet and found some cool wooden letters to hang on the wall that spelled the girls' names. I was so excited to have found painted wooden letters that cost less than $15-25 per letter - not such a big deal with Leah, but a huge expense if you're trying to spell Anna Claire's name! Now I can't find the website again and I wanted to find some cool letters to spell our baby's name as we're getting the nursery ready. I'm hoping I can find the website again...
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Amazingly, Gary was able to get Leah to eat chicken stir fry for dinner tonight. He understands her better than anyone, and even got her to eat a couple of bites of broccoli! I couldn't believe it. She practically breaks out in hives when something green is on her fork.
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I am really enjoying having Gary home this summer. We are having a great time together as a family. It's fun sleeping in, making breakfast together, playing with the kids, going to the pool and the $1 movies, and even running errands. It's especially fun to have this time with the 4 of us because the end of the summer brings a new little person. We're making some great memories together.
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I got the cutest baby bedding at a local consignment shop - it's very "baby boy" which is fun. However, it didn't come with a crib skirt. I was thinking, "No problem - I can easily find a cheap crib skirt." Especially because the linens have a bunch of different colors in them. I was obviously wrong - I found a cute one, but it's $59!!! For a crib skirt? I just can't justify that. Not when I only spent $12 on the rest of the bedding/curtains. I love to decorate, but I don't like to pay full price for anything. So I'm still looking...
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I still haven't found a hair stylist I like. I tried to make an appointment today with someone who had been recommended to me, and she can't take me for a haircut until July 23rd! Seriously? A month from now? Does she know that a hair crisis cannot wait a month? I've been growing out my bangs for almost a year and now that they're grown out (along with the rest of my hair), it just kind of hangs there. Could have something also to do with the 100+ degree heat but still...it's lacking a real style. Must get that fixed.
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We were going to buy bunk beds for the girls, but knowing Leah's love for climbing and jumping, I just didn't think I could handle a newborn and several trips to the ER for a broken arm because she'd jumped off the top bunk. So, for now, we're going to do 2 twin beds side by side. I can't wait to put their room together!
Can you tell the nesting instinct is strong right now? I'll tell you tomorrow about my new plans for the master bedroom...
1 comment:
I hear from reputable sources that his names is going to be Bubba Boudine?? could this be true?? be still my anxious heart!!
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