Sunday, July 27, 2008

We’re Making Some Progress

We have the top level of the house completely unpacked and everything is in its place. It looks fantastic. We just need to hang a few pictures.

I also finished our bedroom and bathroom, leaving the study, dining room and living room to complete as far as unpacking goes…and we’re almost there. Then, Gary and I need to do a day of picture hanging downstairs and I need to get the curtains I ordered for the kitchen, and we’ll be all set! Pictures coming soon, I promise! (as soon as I find that blasted camera)

In other news, we are having a good time getting settled here...we find a way each day to get to know the area better. Anna Claire is very excited about school starting, and she has decided that she'd like to take cheerleading lessons this fall for her extracurricular activity. They have a league through the YMCA that we belong to and that's how she'll participate. She's SO excited.

Leah is having a tougher adjustment to life in Texas. She is very clingy, very moody, cries a lot, and you never really know what you're going to get when you're with her. She's developed a terrible fear of going to bed at night - she screams for almost an hour, despite many hugs, kisses, stories, leaving the lights on, etc. Nothing seems to really work. She is sleeping peacefully now, but it's been really rough. I'm often at a loss as to how to help her - it's especially hard because she is so tiny and doesn't talk well yet, so she can't really verbalize how she's feeling. Add her hot temper to the mix, and you've got a lethal combination. We're already praying for her future husband. He'll need to be a godly man of unending patience if the mood swings continue!

Leah has also been sick twice just in the time that we've my next big project is to find a doctor and possibly a naturopath who can help us figure out if she's allergic to something or if she has an immune issue. Although the pediatricians say, "Kids just get sick a lot," my "mommy gut" is telling me that it's just not normal for a child this young to be on antibiotics all the time and it's not normal for her to be sick every 2-3 weeks (seriously, the longest we've ever gone is 26 days between illnesses). I have to think that her being sick is a lot of the bad mood - I'd be in a wicked bad mood if I were sick that often!

Well, I need to head to bed - Anna Claire starts Vacation Bible School tomorrow morning and we have a busy week ahead, including work for me, exercise classes at the Y, women's Bible study on Tuesday morning, and hopefully having the girls' pictures taken this week for Leah's upcoming 2nd birthday. And next week, we head to Oregon for a few days!

Now that our internet service is connected correctly and we're not unknowingly hacking into our neighbor's network anymore, I should be able to post more often. And as Gary discovered by calling the computer repairman, "Happy Wife = Happy Life." :)

1 comment:

Jessica Middleton said...

So glad you guys are almost all settled in your new home! Elena went through the same fear of bedtime for about 3 weeks. We prayed and got a timer. When the timer would go off, she knew it was time to head up stairs and liked holding the timer and kissing it good night. It was tough hearing her cry so know we'll be praying your sweet little pumpkin. And YAYYYYY for Anna. Cheer! Cheer! Cheer!